This site is dedicated to monitoring most all
Public Emergency Services in Sacramento County
NEW BETA, Call Transcriptions now in our Advanced Scanner!!!
Click the Green + on the left of the rows to reveal Transcribed text.
This is VERY ALPHA, and accuracy varies, but we are making progress on this for our listeners.
Check out our Sister Site:
This system is a PREMIER DVR Police and Fire Scanner for most Sacramento County Public Safety Radio Traffic.
You can Pause Live, Rewind, Replay, and download audio. With this site you can easily scroll back in time to listen to radio transmissions from a few mins ago, to days or even weeks ago.
This system can also filter traffic (Recommended) to just a few sites, or listen to all sites in your feed if you choose.
Consider watching our Youtube videos on how to use this system and extra info!!
How to use the ADVANCED Scanner video (Click Here)
How to use the SIMPLE Scanner Video (Click Here)
While the advanced system may not be super “intuitive”;
once you understand how it works, we think YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!
Or check out our Simple Scanner Site / APP
Want to donate to help the cause? (This is expensive to setup and run)
Venmo: @Adam-Batzianis